IMPORTANT NOTICE: The Township of Bonfield has started a review of its Official Plan and Zoning By-Law to meet Planning Act requirements and to ensure conformity with the latest Provincial Policies.

In Canada, land use planning is governed by provincial legislation, such as Ontario’s Planning Act. Land use planning is a means of ensuring that land and resources are managed, and that growth occurs in a manner that the community wishes. Land use planning guides suitable development while protecting from negative impacts.


WHAT IS AN OFFICIAL PLAN? Official plans are land use planning documents adopted by Municipal Councils and approved by the Province. They reflect provincial and local planning issues and among other things, establish policies for lot creation. Official plans shall be consistent with the Provincial Policy Statement. In the Township of Bonfield, lands are subject to the Township’s Official Plan. You can view the current Official Plan here: Bonfield Official Plan – April 2013 ConsolidationThis link opens in a new window


HOW DO ZONING BY-LAWS PLAY A ROLE? All lands are also subject to local Zoning By-Laws which set out specific requirements for new development (e.g. minimum lot size, frontage, setbacks, etc.). The Township’s Planning and Development staff can assist you in determining the rules and specific lot size requirements which are applicable to your property. You can view the current Zoning By-Law here: Bonfield Zoning By-law – May 7 2013 w adoption By-law


SPECIAL MEETING OF COUNCIL RE: OFFICIAL PLAN & ZONING BY-LAW UPDATE which also involves consultation from the public will take place February 15th at 7:00 p.m. as posted. 


This link opens in a new windowMinutes - February 15, 2023

THE PLANNING ADVISORY COMMITTEE, at their regular scheduled meeting March 7th, 2023 will begin discussion and review of the DRAFT Background Report. 

2023 Draft Background Report can be viewed here:

Draft Background Report

Background Report, Appendix A

Background Report, Appendix B


THE COMMUNITY will be invited to take part through an upcoming open house, April 6th, 2023, at the Bonfield Community Centre from 6:00 p.m.-8:00 p.m., Information about the project and how you will be able to take part is available here:

Open House Notice

Open House Flyer

For information related to this project, please contact:

The Planning & Development Department
Ph. 705-776-2641 ext 126
Fax: 705-776-1154