Livestock Valuer
The Livestock valuer is responsible to investigate claims and determine the type of predator responsible when an owner of livestock or poultry discovers and immediately reports to the valuer that any of the owner’s livestock or poultry has been killed or injured and to the best of the owner’s knowledge and belief such killing or injuring was done by a wolf or a dog other than the owner’s dog.
The valuer completes a detailed written report of his/her findings and submits a copy to the Clerk and the owner. Within the report is the amount of compensation in accordance with Section 24 of the Livestock, Poultry and Honey Bee Protection Act.
Any person who finds to the best of their knowledge that their livestock or poultry has been killed or injured to wolves or dogs must immediately report their findings to the livestock valuer in order to qualify for compensation under the Act.
For further information or to report an incident contact:
Pauline Carmichael 705-776-2580, Cell 705-475-2515
Wayne Whitten 705-492-0199, Cell 705-471-5067
Richard Von Hassell 705-776-2628, Cell 705-471-7515
Livestock Valuer
Township of Bonfield