To learn more please click here - Bonfield Recycling Program Information Guide
Schedule C to By-Law 2023-27
Acceptable and Unacceptable Materials: Blue Box Recyclables
- The following items shall be emptied, rinsed, and separated from Waste to be disposed of Blue Box Recyclables as stipulated by O. Reg 101/94 as amended from time to time, pursuant to the Environmental Protection Act, R.S.O. 1990, c. E.19, as amended from time to time:
Accepted Material in Mixed Container Bin:
- Aerosol cans that are empty.
- Aluminum foil is clean, and items made from aluminum foil.
- Aluminum and metal cans food and beverage
- Paint cans with lids removed.
- Plastics labeled 1 through 7 (with exceptions to film wrap and such)
- Clear plastic clamshell containers for berries, muffins, and cookies.
- Water bottles
- Plastic shampoo bottles, body wash bottles, liquid detergent containers
Not Accepted Material in Mixed Container Bin:
- Paint cans or aerosol cans that are full.
- Propane cylinders
- Plastic wrap or film wrap.
- Plastic bags
- Bubble wrap
- Disposable coffee pods
- Hard Plastics such as toys, lawn furniture, flowerpots.
Accepted Carboard Bin Materials:
- Boxboard flattened and emptied of liners and Styrofoam.
- Corrugated cardboard flattened.
- Fiber egg cartons (free of eggshells)
- Toilet paper and paper towel tubes
- Cereal, cracker. shoe boxes
- Kleenex boxes
Not Accepted in Carboard Bin Materials:
- Frozen food boxes that have a wax coating
- Soiled pizza boxes
- Hard cover books
Accepted in Paper Bin Materials:
- Computer paper, Writing paper and mail.
- Magazines, catalogues, telephone books
- Newsprint, including inserts and flyers.
- Paper bags
- Gift wrap that is not foil
Not Accepted in Paper Bin Materials:
- Waxed or foil coated paper.
- Potato chip bags
- Styrofoam
- Paper soiled in grease or food or used Kleenex or paper towel.
Accepted Material in the Glass Bin lids removed:
- Food grade glass
- Pickle and Jam Jars
- Pasta Sauce Jars
- Olive oil bottles
Unaccepted Material in the Glass Bin:
- Light bulbs
- Windows
- Drinking glasses
- If food does not come in the glass container it is not accepted.
It is difficult to list every item that can or cannot be recycled. Like items would be acceptable. Direct questions to Recycling Attendants or the Public Works Department.
Questions & Concerns
For further information, do not hesitate to contact The Public Works during normal business hours at 705-776-2659.
Every household in the Municipality will be issued an annual Landfill Pass. Your pass will automatically renew on January 1st each year and will be reloaded with the appropriate number of bags. You will not be permitted to dispose of any material at the Landfill Site without this Pass.
The Landfill Pass entitles each household to dispose of 104 bags of garbage per year, and vacant land properties to dispose of 16 bags per year. This allowance is for NON-RECYCLED material only. There is no charge to dispose of recycled material. If you exceed your annual allowance, you will be charged $2.00 for every excess bag.
Lost Cards: Lost, stolen, or damaged landfill site cards will be replaced for a fee of $25.00, and the remaining bag limit, indicated in the Township's database, will be transferred to the new Landfill Site Card. Please contact the Township Office for assistance at: 705-776-2641.
Garbage: Garbage must be placed in clear or transparent plastic bags, allowing the contents to be visible to landfill attendants.
Bag Limit and Weight: Each bag of garbage must not exceed 22 kg (50 lbs). The annual limit is 2288 kg (5200 lbs).
Bag Size: The maximum size for garbage bags is 79 cm (31 inches) wide by 107 cm (42 inches) tall.
Recyclables: Recyclables should be placed loose in the designated bin at the depot. If bags are used for convenience, they must be clear or transparent, allowing the contents to be visible.
Waste Sorting and Disposal
- Dispose of waste in designated bins or areas.
- Separate each type of waste appropriately.
- Hazardous waste must be taken to the North Bay Hazardous Waste Site.
- No waste from outside the Township or prohibited substances.
- Animal waste must be in sealed, leak-proof bags inside clear garbage bags.
- Sharp items must be in sturdy, secure containers inside clear garbage bags.
- All disposed waste becomes Township property and may be managed as deemed fit.
Service Refusal: Attendants may refuse service or ask individuals to leave for non-compliance.
Every household will be issued a Landfill Pass. The Pass will be made out to the owner of the household, and its civic address will be displayed. Landlords are required to advise the Municipal Office of the name of the tenant occupying the premises, especially in multi-residential (more than one apartment) buildings. Only one Pass will be issued to the landlord if they do not register their tenant(s) with the Municipality.
Private Contractors
If you engage the services of a Private Contractor to dispose of your household garbage, they must follow the program and are required to respect the limits imposed by the Municipality. If you exceed your annual limit of 104 bags of NON-RECYCLED WASTE, your Contractor must pay the Township an additional $2.00 per bag and will in turn charge you for every bag that exceeds your annual allowance.
Commercial & Industrial
Commercial and industrial building owners are also on the Landfill Pass system.
As a resident of the Township of Bonfield, you may deposit your Household Hazardous Waste (HHW) at the City of North Bay HHW Depot, 112 Patton Street, North Bay; Hwy 17 to Seymour, left on Station Road, left on Cholette, right on Patton. The HHW Depot is open Wednesday through Saturday, 8:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m, year round.
All municipalities and their residents using this service must agree to the following terms and conditions, imposed by the City of North Bay:
- All rules and regulations associated with the site must be followed by all households.
- Payment for the use of this facility is based on the total household count and will be paid by the Township of Bonfield, annually, as requested.
- Facility staff will use their discretion in accepting and refusing materials.
- The City of North Bay maintains the right to alter the hours of operation of this site.
- No commercial deliveries will be accepted.
- There is a limit of 60 liters of waste residents can bring per trip. Greater quantities can be rejected at the discretion off staff.
The following are examples of Household Hazardous Waste that should be taken to the HHW Depot:
- Aerosol Cans Flea Powder Over Cleaners
- Antifreeze Gasoline Paint
- Car & Household Batteries Glue Paint Thinners
- Bleach Herbicides Pesticides
- Brake Fluid Insecticides Photographic Chem.
- Car Care Products Lighters Pool Chemicals
- Chemicals Medicine Propane Tanks Cleansers Motor Oil
- Cylinders Drain Cleaners Nail Polish/ Remover Solvents Thermometers Fertilizers
- Oil Filters
Do Not Bring:
- PCB’s Radioactive Waste Unidentified Products
- Explosives Pathological Waste
All materials must be left in the original container to allow easy identification of the contents. Never mix products together. Waste should be sealed & labelled. Collect household batteries in a small bag, plastic container, or coffee can. Do not bury hazardous waste, or pour it into the ground, it can contaminate groundwater which leads to streams and lakes.
Homeowners are now required to have a Contractor’s Permit to allow the contractor working on your residence to be able to use the landfill to dump construction materials. The contractor MUST present the permit to the attendant in order to have access to the Landfill on behalf of the homeowner. We would like to encourage renovations and improvements on your homes, therefore the permit will be free of charge. Apply at the Township Office.
Andrée Gagné
Municipal Office Clerk
Township of Bonfield
365 Highway 531
Bonfield ON P0H 1E0
T: 705-776-2641
F: 705-776-1154