Mayor Narry Paquette – npaquette@bonfieldtownship.com
Councillor Donna Clark – dclark@bonfieldtownship.com
Councillor Jason Corbett – jcorbett@bonfieldtownship.com
Councillor Steve Featherstone – sfeatherstone@bonfieldtownship.com
Councillor Dan MacInnis – dmacinnis@bonfieldtownship.com
The Council of the Corporation of the Township of Bonfield is the primary decision making body for the Municipality. Council relies on the reports from staff and the recommendations of its committees to assist in the decision making process which affects your community and quality of life.
The Role of the Mayor
The Mayor is the head of council for the Township of Bonfield and among other things, some of the duties of the Mayor Are:
- To provide leadership on the affairs of Council and its Committees;
- To act as a public spokesperson for the municipality on major issues of policy and direction;
- To liaise with various levels of Government;
- To represent and support Council decisions; and
- To ensure the planning by Council effectively addresses the strategic issues facing the municipality.
The Role of the Council
The role of the four Council members include but are not limited to the following duties:
- To act as representatives of his or her constituents;
- To determine the range and level of services and programs which are provided to the residents of the Municipality; and
- To work with staff to provide a clear sense of political direction and vision for the Township.
Council Meetings
Council meetings are held on the second and fourth Tuesdays of each month at 7:00 p.m. in the Council Chambers at the Municipal Office, 365 Highway 531, Bonfield ON P0H 1E0.
How to Contact Council
Anyone wishing to contact a councilor may do so in one of the following manners:
1. Write an email or a letter
You can submit your comments to Council regarding municipal matters by emailing the Clerk or dropping it off at the municipal office.
Clerk’s Email: cao.clerk@bonfieldtownship.com
Address: 365 Hwy 531, Bonfield ON, P0H 2E0
Phone: 705-776-2641 ex 122
2. Be a delegation at a Council Meeting
If you have a community initiative, wish to have Council support a project, or have a concern that you would like addressed, you can submit a detailed delegation request to the Clerk by 12 noon the Thursday prior to the Council meeting.
3. Submit a question for the Agenda
Written questions must be provided to the Clerk by 12 noon the Monday prior to the Council meeting. Although questions are not restricted to agenda topics, the agenda is released on Fridays prior to the meeting. Questions submitted will become public record.
4. Meet with a Member of Council
Contact Information: www.BonfieldTownship.com Select: Your Government, Municipal Directory
You can speak to a Council member directly. You can meet with a maximum of two members of council in any private meeting.
5. Attend a public meeting
Council will host public meetings for an array of reasons, and you are encouraged to attend and share your opinions on the topics presented. Watch agendas, our website, social media and mailed flyers when a public meeting is coming up.
6. Request a Special Meeting of Council
If you have a concern or item that is time sensitive you can request the Mayor to call a special meeting of Council. You can submit a detailed request with supporting materials for the meeting to the Clerk and/or the Mayor through email.