New Local Planning Regulations Proposed
At its regular meeting on Tuesday 14th January 2025, Council will have an opportunity to review and provide recommendations on a new proposed Draft By-law to Amend Comprehensive Zoning By-law 2012-49.
The proposed amendment seeks to introduce new provisions which aim to make it easier for residents in particular zones to obtain new permits for buildings and structures as follows:
1. Additional Dwelling Units
2. Hunt Camps
3. Shipping Containers; and
4. Other Accessory Structures
It also includes some housekeeping changes to either refine or enhance the existing wording; and changes to some other provisions no longer considered consistent with provincial directives, plus other strategic goals and priorities identified by the Township.
The attached report provides further background to the extensive research and discussions that have taken place so far - including members of the Planning Advisory Committee (PAC) and other stakeholders.
The proposed Draft By-law to Amend Comprehensive Zoning By-law 2012-49 will be included as part of Council's Agenda Package for Tuesday's scheduled meeting.
If Council resolves to approve the Draft By-Law to Amend the Comprehensive Zoning By-law, notice will be shared of a Public Meeting to take place in February, at which, the public will be provided an opportunity to provide feedback on the changes proposed.