Recreational Vehicles and Short-Term Rentals By-Laws

Published on Wednesday, June 12, 2024
Image for Recreational Vehicles and Short-Term Rentals By-Laws

By-laws play a crucial role in maintaining order and enhancing the quality of life within Bonfield. For instance, the noise level by-law contributes to a peaceful environment, allowing community members to enjoy their spaces without unwarranted disturbances.

How By-laws Work:  Bonfield’s Procedural By-law No. 2023-48

A By-law To Govern The Proceedings of The Council of The Corporation of The Township of Bonfield, and its Committees And Boards.

17.1  Every by-law shall be introduced to Council by a motion duly moved and seconded by Members and specifying the title of the by-law.

a) every by-law when introduced shall be type written and numbered

b) every by-law shall have three readings prior to being passed,

c) the first and second reading of a by-law be made without amendment or debate, if the Council so determines, a by-law may be taken as read three times and considered final and passed in one meeting,

d) every by-law enacted by the Council shall be dated under the seal of the Corporation and shall be numbered and signed by the Clerk and by the Head of Council or Presiding Officer at the meeting at which the by-law was passed and returned to the Clerk for safekeeping.

Recreational Vehicles and Short-Term Rentals By-Laws – Final Public Comment Period

Council has given the draft Short Term Rental Bylaw (2024-41) and the draft RV/Trailer Bylaw (2024-42) first and second reading at the June 11, 2024 meeting. Now the public is encouraged to review the By-laws and will have an opportunity to provide comment on the proposed regulations at the meeting of June 25, 2024. 

Anyone wanting to provide comments must submit written comments by Thursday June 20, 2024 at 12 noon.  Anyone wishing to speak to their written comments in person at the meeting may do so by requesting such to the Clerk when submitting their comments. Comments can be submitted to or dropped off in person.


Below is information on the processes and public commenting opportunities provided to date. 
  1. October 2022 – Election

During the previous Council there were delegations to Council on short term rentals and letters were received regarding trailers on vacant lands.  Candidates in the election heard from electors that these two matters were on the top of minds as well as roads. 

  1. April 6th, 2023 – Open House

An Open House took place on April 6th, 2023, to address Bonfield's draft official plan. This event provided an opportunity for the community to contribute feedback on the Township's vision, goals, and land use policy matters, which will help shape the updates to the Official Plan and Zoning By-law Update. Recreational Vehicles and Trailers and Short-Term Rentals were identified by residents as issues important to them.  There were supporters and non-supporters who made comments to the team. 

  1. March 7th, 2024 – Townhall Meeting

The Township of Bonfield conducted a Townhall Meeting on March 7th, 2024, where residents were invited to share their opinions on Recreational Vehicles and Trailers and Short-term rentals in Bonfield. This open forum encouraged residents to share their thoughts directly with the Council, CAO, Public Works Manager, and Planning Administrator.

  1. March 7th – 18th Community Survey Short-Term Rentals & Trailers on Vacant Land Survey

A survey was conducted to gather community feedback on Short-Term Rentals and Trailers on Vacant Land. The survey was available to residents at the Townhall, online and at the Township Office.

  1. April 9th, 2024 – Council Meeting

A staff report was presented to Council regarding Short-Term Rentals and Recreational Vehicles, incorporating insights from the Community Survey and Town Hall meeting. Council instructed the Planning Administrator to draft a by-law based on this feedback and referred these matters to the Corporate Services Committee for further discussion.

  1. May 2, 2024 – Corporate Services Meeting

The Committee reviewed policies from other municipalities along with brainstorming their ideas and thoughts on regulations for short term rentals and trailers being permitted within the community.

  1. May 14th, 2024 – Council Meeting

Council received the minutes from the May 2nd Corporate Services Meeting that included the above discussion and information regarding Recreational Vehicles and Short-Term Rentals.

  1. June 11th, 2024– Council Meeting

Council will receive a draft By-Law for Short-Term Rentals and Trailers at the June 11, 2024 Council meeting. Council may do a first and second reading of the By-Law. Once the draft by-laws have been officially read by Council they will be made public. 

  1. June 25th, 2024– Council Meeting

Council heard from delegations and received written comments on the draft Short Term Rental Bylaw (2024-41) and the draft RV/Trailer Bylaw (2024-42). Council will review all comments at the Corporate Services Committee meeting of July 2, 2024.

Learn more:  

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