Take notice that the Council of the Corporation of the Township of Bonfield will be holding a public meeting on March 18, 2025, at 7:00 p.m. at the Bonfield Community Center located at 100 Yonge Street, Township of Bonfield, to consider proposed zoning Bylaw amendments under Section 34 of the Planning Act.
The Township initiated Zoning Bylaw Amendments apply to all lands in the Township of Bonfield.
- Bylaw 2025-09 is to align the Comprehensive Zoning Bylaw 2012-49 with proposed Bylaw 2025-16 to permit the use of Travel Trailers and Recreation Vehicles on certain properties within the Township; (formerly draft Bylaw 2024-42).
- Bylaw 2025-10 is to align the Recreation Vehicle Bylaw 2018-06 with proposed Bylaw 2025-16 to permit the use of Travel Trailers and Recreation Vehicles on certain properties within the Township; (formerly draft Bylaw 2024-42).
- Bylaw 2025-11 is a bylaw to amend the Comprehensive Zoning Bylaw 2012-49 to:
- Permit and regulate Additional Dwelling Units for certain properties within the Township, including building requirements and parking
- Permit and regulate the use of Shipping Containers as accessory storage structures
- Permit and regulate Hunt Camps
You are invited to attend and participate in this meeting in person at the Bonfield Community Center, 100 Yonge Street Bonfield. Any person may attend the public meeting and any person shall be afforded an opportunity to make verbal or written representations in respect of the zoning proposals.
Written comments may also be submitted prior to the meeting and can be addressed to the Mayor and Council and/or the relevant staff. All written comments received will become a matter of public record and will be considered in deciding on these amendments.
The lands subject to consultation through these proposed amendments are not the subject of an application under the Act for an amendment to the Official Plan, an amendment to a Ministers zoning order or for approval of a plan of subdivision or a consent.
Notice of Public Meeting for Zoning Amendment
Bylaw 2025-09 - Amends Comprehensive Zoning Bylaw 2012-49
Bylaw 2025-10 - Amends Recreation Vehicle Bylaw 2018-06
Bylaw 2025-11 - Amends Comprehensive Zoning Bylaw 2012-49
The Township continues to work toward the new Official Plan that is currently being reviewed by the Ministry of Municipal Affair and Housing. The Zoning Bylaw will be reviewed in detail once the new Plan is adopted. In the meantime, this Bylaw, 2025-11 allows Council to remain current with the new trends such as additional dwelling units and shipping containers being used for accessory storage and more defined and clear polices on accessory structures.
The Planning Advisory Committee met several times this fall to draft this bylaw. Please see the related documents below and the October to December 2024 PAC meetings can be found on the Township’s YouTube channel as well.
Report to Council - Housekeeping Zoning Bylaw
Minutes - October 16, 2024 Planning Advisory Committee
Presentation on Proposed New Housekeeping ByLaw November 12, 2024 Planning Advisory Committee
Minutes - November 12, 2024 Planning Advisory Committee
Minutes - December 3, 2024 Planning Advisory Committee
Minutes - December 10, 2024 Special Meeting of Planning Advisory Committee
Report - Proposed Zoning Amendment ByLaw Table for Comparison Purposes
Town Hall Agenda
The Town Hall meeting will also include presentations on Council’s draft Strategic Plan and the final drafts of the Short-Term Rental & Travel Trailers and Recreation Vehicles bylaws.
Please note that the with the new year, bylaws 2024-41 & 2024-42 have been withdrawn and renumbered accordingly as 2025-17 & 2025-16.
Draft Bylaw 2025-16 - To Regulate and Govern Travel Trailers and Recreational Vehicles in the Township of Bonfield. (formerly 2024-42)
Draft Bylaw 2025-17 - To Regulate and Govern Short-Term Rental Accommodations in the Township of Bonfield (formerly 2024-41)
Travel Trailers and Recreation Vehicles and Short-Term Rentals By-Laws – Final Public Comment Period
Council will consider Bylaw 2025-16 and Bylaw 2025-17 at the Council meeting on March 25, 2025. These Bylaws will be presented at the Town Hall meeting March 18, 2025.
Anyone wanting to provide comments at the Town Hall must submit written comments by Monday March 17 at 12 noon. Anyone wishing to speak to their written comments in person at the meeting may do so by requesting such to the Clerk when submitting their comments. Comments can be submitted to or dropped off in person.
Each presenter will be allocated 2 minutes to summarize and present their submission at the Town Hall.